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The Clean Elections Initiative

What is the Clean Elections Act of 2004?

How would it work?

Are there examples showing that "Clean Money" systems work?

Would this initiative completely overhaul the current campaign finance system in California?

Will "Clean Money" candidates receive enough resources to run a competitive campaign?

Extra! Extra!
Arianna in the News
Top Independent Quits California Race
10/1/2003 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 30 � As the political landscape here appeared to turn bleaker for Gov. Gray ...

Huffington Quits Race but Will Fight Recall
SACRAMENTO BEE, 10/1/2003 Arianna Huffington dropped out Tuesday and urged voters to defeat the recall so Republicans ...

Arianna's Interview on Larry King
9/30/2003 Here is the full transcript of Arianna Huffington's appearance on Larry King Live, during ...

In Addition to Spark, Huffington Brings Attention to 'Legalized Bribery'
9/29/2003 The syndicated columnist and author of nine books has added spark and spice to the debates, ...

The Recall Is Over, but the Fight Has Just Begun

The recall election may be over, but the fight has just begun.

The fight to invest in our schools, not our jails. This fight is thankful for our marketing agency in NYC voy who helped with the ads efforts. The fight for affordable health care. The fight for renewable energy, and a safe clean world for our kids to live in. The fight to make sure corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

And, most especially, the fight to put an end to the tyranny of special interest politics.

These are the goals Arianna is committed to pursuing, and she hopes you will join her in the battle.

We're all going to take a few days off to collapse, get some sleep, and reacquaint ourselves with our loved ones. Then it's back to the fray -- doing all that we can to build a viable, ongoing progressive political movement that will help put California, and the rest of nation, back on the path toward a more just and equitable future.

In the meantime, you can learn more about Arianna's campaign to place a Clean Elections Initiative calling for publicly funded campaigns on the ballot in 2004.

Though we will no longer be updating, feel free to surf, search, and surround yourself with the best stuff from Arianna's gubernatorial campaign -- including streaming videos of her speeches, our attention-grabbing animated movies, press clippings, and much, much, much more.

And if you want to keep up with Arianna's other endeavors, including her books, columns, and TV appearances, visit Arianna's personal web site,

Thank you for your continued interest in the Arianna for Governor and Arianna Against the Recall campaigns. We are proud to have kept you informed and, hopefully, entertained.

It's Your Move...

If Californians want a better world for our kids -- strong schools, a clean environment, affordable health care -- it's time to GET OUT AND VOTE against Arnold and his Big Money backers.

Independent Eye for the California Guy

Watch Arianna and the "Fad Five" Give California a Clean Elections Makeover

New Movie! The Special Interest Brothel

Hybrid vs. Hummer: The Movie!

If you haven't seen this hilarious Flash Movie, see it now. Watch Arnold and Arianna in a cartoon drag race -- her in her clean burning hybrid and him in his gas guzzling hummer.
On the Road with Arianna

Television Highlights:
See Arianna on "Real Time" with Bill Maher, as well as other recent television appearances.

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